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  1. Disclaimer – Without derogating from any other provision, Website Operator responsibility and/or liability shall in any event be limited to proven and direct damages only and will not exceed the full consideration (100%) only where the Website Operator is the product or service supplier.

  2. Any customer who orders a product through the Website and/or Mind Power Ltd. acknowledges and agrees by force of these Terms of Use that there is no guarantee to treatment success and Mind Power Ltd. and/or Oren Zarif clarify that preparation of the Bossmat vial and use of the Bossmat vial do not guarantee treatment success and there are instances in which treatment will not succeed and the customer hereby declares that he is aware of such chances and he shall have no demand and/or claim and/or complaint regarding treatment failure, where it does not succeed and by reading this Website, they irrevocably consent thereto. 

  3. Transaction cancellation comprises exhaustive and absolute relief. The sole and exclusive relief available to the user in case a fundamental violation of any engagement to order a product or service shall be order cancellation and the user shall have no claims and/or demands and/or other suits against the Website Operator and/or anyone on its behalf, all subject to the exclusive discretion of the Website Operator.

  4. Absence of liability in case of a clear error. An unusual and/or clear scribal error in the description of any product on the Website, i.e. where the price is set in agorot and not NIS, shall not be binding of the Website Operator. The product photos on the Website are intended for illustration purposes only and there may be differences between the photos appearing on the Website, fully or partially, and products actually sold and/or supplied to the customer and the customer shall have no claims and/or demands in this regard. 

  5. It is hereby clarified that not all people appearing in photos with Oren Zarif on the Website were patients thereof and some of the photos in which Oren Zarif met with celebrities, government ministers, Knesset members, etc. are due to his success and being awarded various certificates and they are not patients of Oren Zarif and one must not conclude anything that this not specifically noted on the Website.

  6. Absolute lack of liability regarding Website operation: Without derogating from the generality of the above, the service and/or products on the Website are offered at no pretense and the product and/or service is granted As Is, thus the user shall have no claim, demand or suit toward the Website Operator and/or supplier regarding product features, characteristics, limits or suitability to user needs and demands.

  7. Consent to receive advertising. Upon submitting user details, including enrollment to the Website and/or disclosing an e-mail address and/or executing an order, the user consents and permits the Website Operator to send him/her notices by any means of communication regarding Website activities, including product purchase offers or special offers and/or promotional mailing of any kind and/or service and/or other notices to customers. 

  8. All creators’ rights and intellectual property rights to Website design and any software or computer code included therein, are the property of the Website only and/or Mind Power ltd. Do not change, reproduce, distribute, publicly display,  or disclose to any third party any part of the Website without Website consent, in advance and in writing. The trademarks appearing on the Website are the property of Mind Power Ltd. only and they must not be used without company/Website Operator consent in advance and in writing.

  9.  The Website staff invests its best efforts to ensure that the content uploaded to the Website does not violate creators’ rights and/or trademark rights and/or other third party rights. If you have encountered a file that violates creators’ rights on the Website, please contact us as soon as possible and we promise to swiftly remove the file. To this end, send an e-mail with the full details, including a link to the file, to: 

  10. The Website may from time to time alter the structure, appearance, scope and availability of the services provided on the Website, as well as any other aspect thereof – all with no need to notify you in advance. Such changes shall be introduced, inter alia, according to the dynamic nature of the internet and technological and other changes taking place therein.

By nature, such changes might involve faults or initially cause inconvenience, etc. You shall have no claim, suit and/or demand toward the Website and/or its manager and/or employees for any such changes and/or flaws derived thereof.

  1. The Website shall not be responsible for any damage, inconvenience, loss, pain and suffering and such results, direct or indirect, caused to you, your property or any third party due to use of this Website. The Website shall not bear any responsibility for the commercial information appearing on the Website. In order to remove all doubt, it is hereby clarified and agreed that posting ads and any commercial information on the Website shall not be construed as an offer to use, an endorsement, encouragement, consent or sponsorship by the Website, explicit or implicit, regarding the content and/or services proposed by others and any user reliance on content, information, ads, products, opinions and perspectives presented or posted on websites to which there are links herein, including information, content, opinions and perspectives presented or posted thereof is the responsibility of the user only upon his sole discretion.

  2. Any transaction effected through an ad or information appearing on the Website or a link to a third party website, does not include the Website Operator as a party to the transaction and will be directly concluded between the user and the relevant advertiser. The Website is not a party to any such transaction and the Website shall not bear responsibility for services and products offered in ads posted on the Website or sites that you you reached and purchases executed pursuant to such ads.

  3. The Website may discontinue the provision of the services at any time, fully or partially, and even close the Website. Where possible, prior notice of Website discontinuation will be provided within the Website itself. The Website is not obligated to notify the customers of termination of Website operations in person, whether by e-mail or in any other manner 

  4. The Website does not undertake that the service will not be interrupted, will be provided continuously and without interruptions, will operate securely and without errors and will be safe against unauthorized access to Website computers or damages, flaws and defects (including hardware, software or Website communication lines).

  5. You shall indemnify the Website, its employees, managers or anyone on their behalf for any damage, loss, lost profit, payment or expense caused thereto – including attorney retainer fees and legal fees – due to the violation of these Terms of Use. In addition, you shall remunerate the Website, its employees, managers or anyone on their behalf for any claim, suit and/or demand against them by any factor due to incorrect information that you disclosed or actions performed in contravention of these Terms of Use.

  6. Use of the Website does not include any technical support. The Website will try to answer your questions on technical issues, sent by e-mail only, but it does not undertake to do so.

  7. The Website may alter these Terms of Use from time to time, without issuing advance notice thereof. Be sure to check this page often. The Website will publish the new terms on this page and they shall be valid immediately upon publication.

  8. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Israel only.

  9. Exclusive jurisdiction for any matter derived of this agreement and/or sue of the Website and/or purchase of products and/or treatments from Mind Power Ltd. is granted to the competent courts in Tel Aviv only.

  10. The content of these Terms of Use appears in masculine form for convenience purposes only, but equally relates to both sexes. 

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